Fighting Double Whammy - Heart Failure & Pituitary Tumour ...
(A Patient's Journey and Lessons In Life)
Friends@Changi General Hospital

Reference Materials

Video explanation about heart failure

Explanation on what Heart Failure is about.

AHA explains what irregular heartbeat is about

How doctors administer electro cardioversion to correct irregular heartbeat.

Understand what pituitary tumor is about

How are pituitary tumor removed via surgery when medication fails

Drug therapy would be normally a preferred option for patient, however as it is hormone treatment, there are side-effects.

When medication fails, surgery needs to be done, to remove pituitary tumor

After discovering a major illness, mental health can be impacted too.

One should not be fearful or feeling shameful to seek out psychologist to help deal with stress. Here's why.

Why you should take your medication as prescribed.

How to rebuild a life after a major illness?